
Lightspeed & Quantum Studios Group(光子工作室群)

Company: Tecent

Period: 2017.8 ~ present

Role: Developer

Cocos Creator

Home Page: http://www.cocos.com/download/creator/


Cocos Creator is a free cross-platform game development editor supporting Cocos2d-js, which helps developers to build 2D and 3D game scenes, edit game UI and other game resources quickly and efficiency.

Period: 2015.11 ~ 2017.7

Role: The Core Developer


  1. The core developer of the GUI framework.
  2. Implement the slice-9 sprite, system font, bmfont font and ttf font rendering.
  3. Integrate the text input control, video player, webview on iOS, Android, Mac and Windows.
  4. Optimize the performence of GUI framework and label.


Home Page: www.cocos2d-x.org


Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by thousands of developers all over the world.

Period: 2013.7 ~ 2017.7

Role: The Core Developer


  1. Optimize Scale-9 sprite rendering implementation and the rendering performance.
  2. Integrate the text input control, video player, webview on iOS, Android, Mac and Windows platforms.
  3. Add various Label overflow feature to the label system.
  4. The creator of Cocos2d-x multi-language document generator tool, based on a forked version of Doxygen.
  5. Automate the compilation and cross-compile process of all the dependencies. Repo


  1. Cocos2D权威指南
  2. 游戏编程模式


微信号: zilongshanren

